Socio Economical and Environmental Assessment

The development process of the ULV larvicide product was designed in such a way that environmental and human health impact is taken into consideration right from the beginning and throughout subsequent steps. As a first stage, the selection of adequate materials will be based on a preliminary assessment of the (eco)toxicological impact of possible components. This way it can be ensured that only components without any adverse health or environmental effects are incorporated into the developed formulations. These basic risks and hazards of co-formulants will be assessed based on composition, literature and regulatory data and information. 

Studies will be designed and performed based on the most up-to-date testing guidance requirements, meeting all European standards. These studies will allow the identification of any possible effects on human health or the environment and subsequently safe limit values can be determined for the active substance and product. 

Any possible impact on users, bystanders, residents and the environment will be assessed qualitatively and quantitatively in detail. Different possible routes of human exposure during use will be determined. Based on the safe limit values determined on the basis of toxicological and ecotoxicological testing results, any possible associated risks will be evaluated and the safe use of the developed product will be demonstrated. 

An environmental risk assessment will also be performed to assess the impact of the use of the developed product, in particular on non-target organisms, and in the respective compartments of soil, water and air. As a result of the environmental risk assessment, it is planned to show that the developed product and intended use will have no adverse effects and pose no risks to the environment. 

A comparison of the environmental impact of existing or upcoming stored grain treatment strategies and the novel novIGRain solutions will also be performed at the life cycle assessment stage of the project. The impact on resistance will also be addressed, which is expected to indirectly impact on human health: a high level of resistance would eventually lead to an ever increasing use of toxic insecticides, which should be avoided. The proposed project can provide novel solutions for this challenge.