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Our Partners

Specialized Press Articles

International Pest Control publishes research and review papers from all over the world, documenting and drawing together the advantages and disadvantages of novels and techniques. It provides authoritative reviews of pest control developments worldwide, with news, articles, reviews, features and comments. Readers are informed of trends in new techniques, new chemicals, new products, and new methods of applying existing remedies – these are the practical tools of the pest control industry the world over.
IPC is regularly publishing articles and news about our project. 

Project Partners

Integrated pest management (IPM) is based on the amalgamation of practices aiming to suppress pest populations. IPM is considered instrumental by EU agricultural policy for sustainable and competitive vegetable production. The EU-funded SmartProtect project intends to develop a smart IPM solution that will offer advanced farming technology and data analysis. SmartProtect will identify the needs of farmers and propose IPM methodologies to apply in daily practices in both open fields and greenhouses. In this framework, SmartProtect H2020 project has developed a Thematic Network entitled SmartProtect platform that compiles innovative modern IPM solutions for vegetable production that are ready for practice. Application techniques, Decision Support systems, Diagnostics and Detection techniques, as well as Monitoring techniques are accessible regarding bacteria, beneficials, fungi, insects, mites, nematodes and viruses in a multilingual tool that functions in 12 different languages (Dutch, French, German, Estonian, Slovenian, Portuguese, Czech, Spanish, Latvian, Greek, and Hungarian) and allows effective knowledge transfer. This tool operates as a freely accessible repository for smart IPM technologies and methodologies and is accessible in for all interested parties.