First Co-Creation Workshop

First Co-Creation workshop


Last month, we organized our first event : First Co-Creation Workshop!

Co-creation workshops represent an opportunity for stakeholders to take part at our project.

After a presentation of the project, the guests were able to participate and take part in the discussion. The aim was to exchange experiences on the field, coming from users, farmers, cooperatives or other actors working in the sector.

The idea was to present concrete real-life cases, and to gather information on current practices and how novIGRain could contribute to improving the project’s mission.

We carefully listen to the needs and we take suggestions into consideration for our further work. These workshops are essential in order to respond to the reality of the field and to provide a quality product and tool which meet today’s challenges.

Thank you to all the participants for this great first session!

If you are an actor in our field and would like to take part in these workshops, please send us a message

 European Union’s Horizon 2020 

First Co-Creation workshop


First Co-Creation Workshop